604-502 2222, 604-5089 888 | 604-508 0999 | [email protected] |

City Chemical Industry Sdn Bhd
was established at 2007
aiming to be one of the strong competitors in the chemical solutions industry in Malaysia. We hold on tight to our notion to provide the widest range of products and the fastest service to our customers.

Our Vision
Our vision shows a vivid image of what we want to be in the near future, which guide us towards the right direction.
- To be the top 10 engineered chemical solution company in Malaysia.

Our Mission
Our mission declares our purpose and goals to achieve as a company and serve as the standard against which we weigh our actions and decisions.
- To supply consistent high quality industrial chemicals solutions.
- To satisfy customer’s expectation by continuous improvement.
Our products range from industrial raw materials to engineered industrial chemical solutions for high-tech manufacturing sector.